Monday, September 24, 2012


Just a few reminders:

-Picture Day is tomorrow, September 15th

-Book Orders are due by Friday, September 28th

-Back to School Night for adults is Thursday, September 27th

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Class Expectations

      The students have been working very hard to earn tickets and marbles in our class. 
     Tickets are given whenever students are being a bucket filler or showing respect to others.  A ticket is drawn at the end of the day for the student or students to pick from the prize bin.
     Marbles are given out anytime the class receives a compliment.  Once our marble jar is filled students will decide on a class reward, such as pajama day, movie day, etc.
     Please ask your child about these incentive programs and how they are doing each day.  Your support and reinforcement at home helps a great deal in the classroom.  Please also review with your child respectful behaviors and ask your child to teach you how to be a bucket filler.  They are very good at it!!!  
    Thank you for all your help and support.  I look forward to meeting all of you at Back to School Night on September 27th.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Please be aware that there are children in the third grade with the following allergies:

     *Tree Nut
     *Chick Peas

*Children will not be allowed to eat any foods in the classroom that contain those foods.

Wow!  It's hard to believe one week has already flown by.

The kids are doing a wonderful job.

Just a few reminders.....Please check your child's backpack daily to see if there is any important information you may need.  Also, be sure to check the homework tab for your child's nightly homework.  Finally, backpack folders will go home every Friday and need to be returned on Monday!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What a great first day it was!!!

It was so great to see all the students and their smiling faces!!!

Please check your child's backpack folder for important information and papers that need to be filled out.
Please return them as soon as possible!!!

Thank you and I look forawrd to working with you this year!!!