Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Vocabulary Parade

The 5th annual Vocabulary Parade took place today at Memorial.  The third graders worked hard on their costumes. They each represented a different adjective and did a wonderful job!!!  Everyone had a great time, even the teachers were in on it!!!

These girls were dressed as old, fluffy, happy, wild, and wrinkled!

Some of our students even got "Crazy"!
The teachers love to be "mismatched"!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dictionaries from the Rotary

The third graders had a great time last Thursday when they received their dictionaries from the Rotary Club.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


*Please remember field trip slips are due Friday 10/19

*Orange Vocabulary Parade slips also need to be returned by tomorrow 10/17

Monday, October 1, 2012

The students have been learning about Magnets in Science class.  Today, they had a chance to use a pin to make a temporary magnet.  They then created a compass of their own.